The Loan Repayments Calculator calculates the type of repayment required, at the frequency requested, in respect of the loan parameters entered, namely amount, term and interest rate.
Length of Month
All months are assumed to be of equal length. In reality, many loans accrue on a daily basis leading to a varying number of days' interest dependent on the number of days in the particular month.
Number of Weeks & Fortnights in a YearOne year is assumed to contain exactly 52 weeks or 26 fortnights. This implicitly assumes that a year has 364 days rather than the actual 365 or 366.
Rounding of Amount of Each RepaymentIn practice, repayments are rounded to at least the nearer cent. However the calculator uses the unrounded repayment to derive the amount of interest payable at points along the graph and in total over the full term of the loan. This assumption allows for a smooth graph and equal repayment amounts.
The results from this calculator should be used as an indication only. Results do not represent either quotes or pre-qualifications for the product. Individual institutions apply different formulas. Information such as interest rates quoted and default figures used in the assumptions are subject to change.
My Personal Loan
- Fixed Monthly Repayments
- Ongoing
Repayments - Total Interest Payable